Thursday, August 02, 2007

The part of the floor I was able to install I grouted tonight. I also installed another upper cabinet, what can I say a woman never has enough room. I always wanted glass blocks in my bathroom, I hunted and hunted never found them but I did find a window 3' x 8' made from acrylic blocks made to look like glass. Even better because less to break. So I bought it. Took off all the aluminum and separated the blocks to what I needed. Here is the way it looks now. I am going to box it in and add crown molding to make it look like it was made to the wall. I also made this lil contraption to hide my water shut off behind the was installed on the outside of the toilet instead of the inside....I don't like it showing that much so I'm going to hide it. The dowels are from the extras on the kitchen cabinets. I painted it white and I am going to weave cloth thru it and slip it right up next to the shut off valve so if need be we can get to it fast.Might add a plant on or near it.

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